DIY No Sew Flannel Coffee Cozy

Oh my goodness you guys, I have missed you all!  I ended up taking a totally unplanned and super annoying break from blogging last week because there was absolutely no sunshine around these parts.  My photography skills are a bit, ahem, lacking to begin with, so I always try to use natural sunlight to take my project pictures.  It has been raining here for what feels like forever, so I just took the week off.  It was a hard lesson for me to learn, and I still struggle with it, but when I first started blogging my BFF Melissa (from The Happier Homemaker) told me that if the pictures don’t do the project justice, you are better off waiting to post about it until you can get better photos.  To be honest, I generally work a week or two in advance for this very reason, but I am still trying to play catch up from my trips to Montana and San Francisco.  It’s been a brutal week for me because I have so much that I want to share with you all right now!  So when I saw a tiny hint of sunshine today I was beyond excited and grabbed my camera and got right to work.


My first project straight out of the gate was to make a super easy and fun DIY Flannel Coffee Cozy.  It’s one of those posts that I feel like I can’t post much of a tutorial for because it is so simple, but I was just too happy with them to keep it to myself.

After a trip to my local thrift shop for some men’s flannel shirts (note that it is important to get men’s size large or bigger for the sleeve opening to fit around the cup) and a happy find of incredibly affordable reusable coffee cups I was ready to go.


I chose to use hot glue for mine because I am super lazy and need instant gratification wanted to make this a no sew project.  You could also hem it or use fabric glue if you so choose.


Cut the sleeve off about an inch above the cuff using a pair of sharp scissors.


This is an optional step, but I recommend carefully cutting a small curve out on each end so that it folds over more cleanly.  Just make sure that you don’t cut the cuff itself as that would show when your cozy is complete.

PS: check out the size difference between the men’s size large shirt (bottom cuff on bottom right photo) and the 2x shirt above it.  Men’s large seems to be a pretty universal size that fits reusable coffee cups, but I like the way the bigger cuff fit.  If you are lucky enough to find a shirt with multiple buttons to offer size choices, grab it!


Using a hot glue gun, glue the top down to the cuff.


If your fabric overlaps like mine did, make sure to glue down the flaps so they don’t catch on the cup or lid and undo all of your work.


Now just slide it onto the cup and you’re all done!


I added a little bag full of my vanilla chai tea mix and slipped a sweet note in as well and I’ve got such a quick and simple gift that is perfect to keep on hand for last minute guests or hostess gifts.


I know that there seems to be a movement to wait on talking about Christmas and all that it entails before Thanksgiving is over, but I also know that I am a planner and need time to gather my supplies and have my projects done or close to it before the insanity that is the month of December hits.  So please don’t take offense by me starting to share with you all now.  🙂


For a cost breakdown, I paid less than $4 for 5 cups (I found them by the Keurigs at Walmart) and $7 for two shirts at the thrift store (one of which still had the tags on!).  If you were to give out four as a gifts it would cost you a whopping $2.75 each.  You could always add whatever coffee or tea you like or even a coffee shop gift card.

So tell me, are you ready for more holiday posts or would you rather I hold off?  Drop me a comment below and let me know what you think.


  1. I am with you Kristen, I always want to have my crafts and diy projects done by the first of December. That way I can try to relax and enjoy the holiday. Thanks for the early start!


  1. […] DIY Flannel Coffee Cozy via Down Home Inspiration […]

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