Dollar Store Mirror Planters

I love a good dollar store craft!  It’s so awesome to create something that you adore and know that it cost you just a couple of bucks.  When I was walking the aisles at my local dollar store the other day looking for supplies for a project that I am posting soon, I found these little mirrors in the candle section.  I’d seen quite a few tutorials floating around on Pinterest using 12×12 tiles to create a large outdoor planter, and I thought why not with these mirrors?  I’ve got to tell you, this is one of the easiest, most impactful decorating DIYs I’ve done in awhile.  These dollar store mirror planters add a big does of glam for only five dollars a piece!


For each planter you will need five mirrors and glue of your choice (either of the super or hot variety).  I’m a big lover of my hot glue gun and the instant gratification that it offers, not to mention the fact that I always manage to glue my fingers together when super glue is involved, so I went that route.  Knowing that I am going to keep my plants in their original containers from the store inside the planter, I am not worried about it being water tight.


Be sure to remove the black feet that may be seen from the top looking down…


Start by laying a mirror face down and add a bead of glue to one edge.  Hold a second mirror, face side out, onto the glue and allow to dry.  Continue building the “box” by adding one edge of glue at a time.  The glue will dry quickly, so you’ll have to act fast. If it does manage to dry before you are able to get the mirror in place, just peel the glue off and try again.


Seriously, I am so in love with these!  It honestly does not get much easier than this.  The added wow factor is just a bonus.  🙂


These are great alone on a shelf or table, but also pretty incredible when you group them together.  It would be beautiful used as a centerpiece on a holiday tablescape too.


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