DIY Apple Cider Mix


Here we are, less than a week before Christmas and I am stuck nursing a yucky cold and hoping that I can start to feel better soon so that I may partake in some of my favorite Christmas activities.  Until then, I am hiding out under my heated throw blanket and searching for ways to keep warm.  I have been drinking a lot of apple cider lately, and I knew that holding on to a nice, steaming hot mug would go a long way in helping to thaw my frozen body.  I had some packets of the sugar free store bought mix in my pantry, but it just wasn’t giving me the taste that I was searching for.  The store bought packets seem to be missing a whole lot of flavor if you ask me, so I decided that I would scour the internet and try to come up with my own concoction.  After trying a handful, I mixed and matched to create a delicious mix that is full of tastes that you would normally associate with apple cider.  Like cinnamon, nutmeg and of course a little sugary sweetness as well.  It took a few short minutes to prepare my mix and I was drinking my scrumptious mug full of cider before I knew it (and warming up a bit in the process).

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DIY Apple Cider Mix
Prep time
Total time
A flavorful apple cider mix that you can make in mere minutes.
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: American
  • 1½ Tbs sugar
  • 1½ Tbs lemonade mix (I used Country Time)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp ground nutmeg
  • Apple juice
  1. Mix all dry ingredients together. Add 1 tsp dry mix to 1 cup of hot apple juice. Stir and enjoy!
  2. Store dry mix in an airtight container.

And if you are looking for a fun way to package this mix to give as a gift, take a look at my cider packets.

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This post has been linked to Practically Functional.

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