Archives for August 2015

Earning Money for my School…the Tastiest Way Possible

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tyson®. The opinions and text are all mine. Remember when I told you all about the Tyson Project A+™ a couple weeks ago?  Well I'm back to fill you in a bit more and to share this yummy dip recipe that I used for my Popcorn Chicken- Any'tizers® snacks. I am still head over heels for this program as I love to help my kid's school … [Read more...]

Make Your Own Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer

It's that glorious time of year again when just about everything gets a heavy dose of pumpkin spice.  I mean, we've been waiting for it to come for so long that the first day Starbucks is offering it again the line is out the door crazy.  But you can skip the madness (and the wait!) and make your own pumpkin spice coffee creamer at home.  It is super simple, and you can enjoy it all year round if … [Read more...]

Make DIY Dry Erase Flash Cards With Free Printables

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SchoolYearReady #CollectiveBias After nearly a decade as a stay at home mom the time has finally come for my baby to head off to kindergarten.  It's hard to believe how quickly those years have passed and how much we have grown and changed as a family since then, but one thing has remained … [Read more...]

Easiest Ever 3 Ingredient Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos

Now that school and fall sports are back in full swing, time is short and there never seems to be enough of it to get a tasty dinner on the table.  Slow cooker meals are a favorite of mine year round...awesome to not heat up the house in the summer and oh so helpful when life gets hectic in the fall and winter, but this one takes the cake.  It is only three ingredients that you can throw into the … [Read more...]

The Easiest Way to Help Your School Raise Money

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tyson®. The opinions and text are all mine. Now that all three of my kiddos are in school, I am lucky to be able to volunteer a lot of time there, helping out in any way possible. It has been an incredible experience to not only see how my children interact with their teachers and peers, but also to get to know the amazing folks who … [Read more...]

How I Made a Giant Chalkboard from a Picture Frame

Once upon a time there was a beautiful, gold gilded (esque) picture frame that housed the most incredible rendering of a lovely young lady looking off into the distance.  It was much loved and the kingdom oohed and aahed over it on a near constant basis. That is, until the artwork and frame became horribly dated looking and the whole thing was unceremoniously left on the side of the road like a … [Read more...]

Disney Villain Hair Bows

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Disney #VillainDescendants #CollectiveBias From the time that I was a little girl I have adored Disney villains.  Ursula from The Little Mermaid sucked me in and won me over.  There was just something about her scheming, evil ways that made me want to know more about her.  And don't even … [Read more...]

Ikat for Dummies

Let me start this entire post by saying that I am one of the least talented "artists" that I know.  I literally have a hard time drawing stick figures and use stencils for just about everything.  Painting has always intrigued and terrified me at the same time, but I was dying to try it.  I recently went to one of those paint along classes, and while I enjoyed it, I was so stressed about trying to … [Read more...]

How I Owned my Strong – Mudderella Run Recap

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Mudderella. I received complimentary admission to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Alright guys, I am so excited to fill you in on all of the dirty details of my recent Mudderella mud run.  I'll start by saying that there is really no better way to exercise than by … [Read more...]

Iced Vanilla Latte Protein Shake

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PowerInProtein #CollectiveBias Show of hands: who here loves coffee? Yep, that's pretty much all of us, am I right? Good, because you are going to love this amazing iced vanilla latte protein shake that you can whip up in no time.  It's full of protein, caffeine and did I mention that … [Read more...]

Stamped Tea Towels (Made Using Food!)

Fruit is one of my absolute favorite things about summer. I mean, there are lots of things that I love...time with the kids while they are on break, beach vacations, barbecuing, and flip flops. I live in my flip flops! But fresh fruit really does rank pretty high on the list. My crush on fruit inspired me to create these cute stamped tea towels over the weekend.  They took just about zero … [Read more...]